retiring in costa rica

Costa Rica is Once Again the Happiest Place on Earth

Once again Costa Rica has been determined the Happiest Planet on Earth in the annual Happy Planet Index (H.P.I.) by the New Economic Foundation.  The study ranks countries in terms of life expectancy, the amount of well being experienced by the local population, and environmental impact.  Costa Rica has been in the top 3 since the formation of the first H.P.I. in 2006 and has been #1 for the past 2...

Learning Spanish…. “Donde esta la sopa?”

Learning a new language is very challenging and overwhelming at times, but if you can speak some of the local language it will help you transition to a new culture more smoothly.  This is true around the World and Costa Rica is no exception.  Although many locals speak some English and I know many foreigners that have gotten by for years without any Spanish skills; I still feel learning some of the...

How to Move to Costa Rica with Only $50,000 USD

Most people dream about moving to a tropical paradise and enjoying the beach and beautiful scenery while living a laid back lifestyle.  Then reality strikes and they think it is an impossible dream only for the wealthy and they go back to plugging away at the ‘rat race’.  Well, this dream can become a reality and for less than one would imagine.  In this blog we will discuss on how to leave it all...

Why it’s Safe to Live and Travel in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has been a favorite destination for tourists, retirees, and second home owners for many years.  It is perfectly safe to travel and live full time in this country.  Of course you have to use caution in certain areas of the San Jose due to crime concerns and use common sense to avoid petty theft when travelling with cash, passports, and electronics throughout the country.  In tourism areas...

San Isidro, Costa Rica

The city of San Isidro del General is located about 45 minutes inland from Dominical and is very convenient for shopping, hardware stores, doctors, dentists, lawyers, and more.  San Isidro I have heard called “the fastest growing city in Central America”, but do not know if there is any truth to that.  The area around San Isidro is known as Perez Zeledon and includes towns such as; La Palma, Cajon,...

Costa Rica Local Workers and Their Benefits

Labor in Costa Rica is very affordable compared to the U.S., Canada, or Europe and many ex-pats employ a full or part time gardener and house cleaner.  Since the jungle grows so fast around here, a gardener can keep the property and the landscaping maintained.  Same for a finished home, having some help cleaning windows, sweeping, mopping, and more helps maintain its beauty.  After all most people move...

Local Farmer’s Markets

The local farmer’s market is a weekly event that most residents and locals alike look forward to.  Every Thursday and Friday in San Isidro and every Saturday in Uvita, one can stock up of fresh fruits and vegetables from an assortment of local area farmers.  There is everything imaginable and even an organic fruit section; which is very popular and best to go on Thursday morning for more selection.  ...

Long Term Rental vs Buying a Home

When making the move to Costa Rica, should you rent long term or buy a home?  This is a common decision for retirees or families to make.  Before even deciding to move to Costa Rica full time it is recommendable to rent for an extended period of time and during both the dry and rainy season to make sure it is the right fit for you.  Also it is a good idea to try out some different parts of the country...

Top Mistakes Buyers Make in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is an amazing country with tons of biodiversity and natural attractions, friendly local people, safe for retirees and families, and real estate opportunities for any level investor.  Many come to Costa Rica with romantic dreams and grandiose plans of how they will live the rest of their life in tropical paradise stress free on the beach or a mountain retreat.  However, some common mistakes can...

Cost of Living in Costa Rica

The cost of living in Costa Rica is a popular topic among those considering it as a retirement location or for those moving down with their family.  Everyone wants to know how far their Dollar or Euro can stretch; which depends a lot on your life style.  If you have an affluent lifestyle where you are from, you will also have that type of lifestyle here, just for a bit less.  If you can live modestly...